Page 123 - Cyber Defense eMagazine October 2023
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Access Controls Essential to Threat Defense

            Gartner describes IAM as “a security and business discipline that includes multiple technologies and
            business processes to help the right people or machines to access the right assets at the right time for
            the right reasons, while keeping unauthorized access and fraud at bay.”  That means it’s critical to have
            processes in place to manage your users’ identities, strongly authenticate those users for access, and
            enforce the principle of least privilege to resources across the delivery landscape.  Using a secure Linux
            OS, separating critical data and applications from a device, and storing sensitive data in the cloud are
            essential to threat defense. Centralization provides better access to threat defense and response tools
            and allows for protection at scale.  In concert, enterprises need to execute IAM access controls that
            provide real-time monitoring and anomaly detection to prevent unauthorized users gaining control over
            data or applications.

            At the endpoint, the gating factor for secure access is validating the user identity. Regardless of device
            or location an employee must be able to easily and securely obtain the applications they need.. Their
            access depends on their roles and responsibilities and must be updated should they change roles or
            leave the company. In this hybrid model, it is also critical to implement modern multi-factor authentication
            (MFA) and single sign-on technology integrations that enhance security, mitigate the majority of phishing
            attacks, and enable ease of use for the end user while enhancing the overall security posture.

            Reducing Risk is a One-on-One Mandate

            From the endpoint perspective, a secure OS, moving applications to the cloud, and stringent access
            controls combined with adaptive MFA are the strongest defense against ransomware and malware. Even
            with all of the proper controls in place, people remain the weakest link against the best cybersecurity
            structure. Thales respondents still cite the #1 root cause of a cloud data breach as human error.

            Workforce training and security awareness programs are critical to reducing human error. The Center for
            Internet Security’s critical security controls include one on security awareness and skills training. “It is
            easier for an attacker to entice a user to click a link or open an email attachment to install malware in
            order to get into an enterprise, than to find a network exploit to do it directly,” CIS says. Beyond phishing,
            enterprises need to train employees in password hygiene, remove the use of passwords where possible,
            and reiterate the risks of sharing sensitive data outside the network, with those who do not have privileged

            More Security Work Ahead
            Enterprises  are  making  strides  in  security  practices  like  removing  passwords,  enforcing  MFA,  and
            implementing full stack IAM solutions but the work is not over as cybercriminals in 2023 are becoming
            more active and successfully conducting attacks. They include LockBit, AlphaVM (BlackCat), and Black
            Basta, according to a Black Kite Ransomware Threat Report.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – October 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          123
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