Page 66 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 66

In  the  Shadows:  The  Dark  Side  of  VPNs  and  the

            Unseen Threats Lurking Within

            By Jonathan Tomek, Vice President of Research and Development at Digital Element

            Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have experienced a remarkable transformation in the past two decades.
            Initially confined to corporate networks and the domain of tech enthusiasts, VPNs have now evolved into
            a global phenomenon, reshaping the way we retrieve information and navigate the virtual realm. The
            transition of VPNs from specialized tools to essential utilities speaks volumes about their ability to adapt
            to the ever-changing technological terrain.

            From Corporate to Consumer: A Maturation Saga

            Twenty  years  ago,  VPN  users  were  predominantly  found  within  the  corporate  realm.  Private  or
            commercial VPNs were reserved for the technologically sophisticated individuals who possessed the
            know-how to set up and utilize these networks for obfuscation purposes. Fast forward to the present day,
            and the VPN market has matured significantly. The user experience has improved dramatically, and
            onboarding the unsophisticated user is now a seamless process with minimal friction.

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