Page 45 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 45

Stop  Managing  Identities,  Segment  them


            By Sagie Dulce, VP Research, Zero Networks

            A Brief History of Identity Management

            For as long as there have been identities, there have been solutions trying to manage them so that
            privileges won’t be accidentally or maliciously leaked.

            It started with passwords, or in other words: a secret. Unsurprisingly, these secrets tend to get leaked,
            shared, abused, stolen or simply turn out to be not so secret to begin with (Password123 and others, you
            know who you are).

            As mainframes gave way to client-server architecture, IT admins stopped managing accounts locally and
            started  using  various  centralized  directory  solutions.  LDAP  technology  –  mainly  Microsoft’s  Active
            Directory – became the dominant technology for managing identities. While Active Directory remains the

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