Page 34 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 34

Kirsten Turnbull emphasized the significance of segmentation in OT environments, where devices often
            behave like enterprise IoT devices. She noted, "When you hear about ransomware taking down hospitals,
            one of the reasons is because there's nothing segmented." This underscores the urgency for robust
            segmentation strategies to fortify healthcare, and other OT networks against cyber threats.

            To  bridge  the  gap  between  IT  and  OT  monitoring  effectively,  organizations  can  adopt  the  following
            strategic approaches:

               •  Comprehensive Visibility: Implementing solutions that provide comprehensive visibility across
                   both IT and OT networks. This entails leveraging technologies capable of monitoring diverse
                   protocols and network architectures, as mentioned by Kirsten Turnbull.
               •  Collaborative  Governance:  Establishing  collaborative  governance  structures  that  facilitate
                   cross-functional communication and decision-making. This involves fostering dialogue between
                   IT and OT teams to align security objectives and priorities.
               •  Unified Security Frameworks: Adopting unified security frameworks that encompass both IT
                   and OT environments streamlines security operations and enhances threat detection capabilities.
                   Integration with solutions such as Microsoft Defender for IoT, as discussed by Kirsten Turnbull,
                   can bolster the security posture of OT networks.
               •  Skill Development: Investing in continuous skills development initiatives ensures that personnel
                   are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complexities of IT and OT security.
                   This  includes  training  programs  focused  on  protocol  parsing,  segmentation  strategies,  and
                   incident response protocols.
               •  Proof of Concepts (POCs): Engaging in POCs, as advocated by Chase Applegate, enables
                   organizations  to  evaluate  the  efficacy  of  cybersecurity  solutions  in  real-world  scenarios.  This
                   hands-on approach fosters informed decision-making and facilitates the adoption of innovative

            Why do customers trust Microsoft Defender?

            Chase  Applegate highlighted  that  customers  trust  Microsoft  Defender  for  its  comprehensive security
            capabilities,  advanced  threat  detection  capabilities,  and  seamless  integration  with  existing  Microsoft
            solutions.  With  its  robust  threat  intelligence,  machine  learning  algorithms,  and  real-time  protection
            features, Microsoft Defender provides organizations with the confidence they need to defend against a
            wide range of cyber threats across both IT and OT environments.

            What kind of automation use cases can I find in OT security operations?

            Automation plays a pivotal role in OT security operations, enabling organizations to streamline processes,
            enhance efficiency, and mitigate human errors. Common automation use cases include asset discovery
            and  inventory  management,  vulnerability  scanning  and  patch  management,  incident  response,  and
            compliance reporting. By automating these tasks, organizations can bolster their security posture and
            free up valuable resources for strategic initiatives.

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