Page 26 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 26

Security  Validation  and  Exposure  Management

            Enable a More Proactive Security Posture

            By Nir Loya Dahan, Vice President of Product, Cymulate

            It’s good to know what threats are out there. It’s even better to know where your own vulnerabilities lie.
            But in today’s rapidly evolving cybersecurity threat landscape, those two things aren’t enough. Modern
            organizations need to know not just whether they have the right security solutions in place, but how they
            stand up to the actual tactics attackers are using. Are they functioning as intended? Are they leaving
            gaps that need to be accounted for? How—and in what order—should these exposures be addressed?

            These  are  all  critical  questions  for  today’s  organizations,  and  traditional  vulnerability  management
            solutions can only provide partial answers. Fortunately, the emergence of exposure management and
            security validation solutions have put new tools in the hands of security teams, allowing them to not only
            identify  where  potential  exposures  exist,  but  continuously  test  them  and  evaluate  their  performance
            against simulated attack activity. The result is a more comprehensive view of the organization’s security
            posture, able to clearly illustrate which vulnerabilities are covered by compensating controls and where
            the  most  dangerous  attack  paths  exist.  Thanks  to  exposure  management,  organizations  can  now

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