Page 165 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 165

Putting a collective defense strategy into practice

            Implementing  collective  defense  involves  a  coordinated  approach  to  cybersecurity  where  multiple
            organizations  collaborate  to  detect,  defend  against,  and  respond  to  cyber  threats.  The  critical
            undertakings to successfully implement this strategy include:

               •  Identify stakeholders: Invite broad participation from public, private, and industrial sectors to
                   maximize understanding of the threat landscape and active campaigns targeting their enterprises.
               •  Develop  trust:  Establish  non-disclosure  agreements,  define  roles  and  responsibilities,  and
                   ensure operational transparency to build trust among participating organizations.
               •  Create communication channels: Establish secure collaboration mechanisms to share threat
                   intelligence, response actions, best practices, and incident reports to enable real-time defense
                   against cyber threats.
               •  Share threat intelligence and response actions: Encourage member organizations to adopt a
                   common technical lexicon to characterize and categorize attackers (e.g., the MITRE ATT&CK
                   framework) and share indicators of compromise (IoCs) and other relevant threat data, including
                   detection rules, threat hunting playbooks, and incident response playbooks.
               •  Conduct  collaborative  analysis:  Pool  resources  to  analyze  shared  data,  identify  patterns,
                   predict potential threats, develop and maintain detections, and curate incident response.

               If a member organization also owns or operates any portion of the nation’s critical infrastructure, it
               must prepare to meet its CIRCIA reporting obligations.

               •  Update incident response plans: Develop or update incident response plans to address time-
                   sensitive  notification  requirements  and  include  detailed  evidence  preservation  and  collection
               •  Train  incident  response  teams:  Brief  incident  response  teams  on  the  CIRCIA  reporting
                   requirements to allow organizations to comply with these new processes.

            By following these steps and fostering a culture of collaboration, organizations can effectively implement
            a collective defense strategy, enhancing their ability to defend against and respond to cyber threats.

            Applying SASE to a collective defense strategy

            Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) plays a crucial role in enhancing collective defense strategies by
            addressing  modern  cyber  threats. The  SASE  architecture  combines  various  network  and  security
            functions such as SD-WAN to optimize connectivity, domain name system (DNS) layer security, firewalls
            for segmentation and traffic inspection, secure web gateways (SWG) for internet security, cloud access
            service broker (CASB) to govern access to SaaS applications, zero-trust network access (ZTNA) for
            application-centric access control, and more with single policy administration and consolidated reporting.

            It is designed with flexibility to support remote and distributed workforces, allowing employees to access
            company  resources  from  anywhere,  on  any  device,  without  needing  a  physical  connection  to  the
            corporate network. Flexibility is particularly beneficial today, where remote work has become the norm
            for many organizations. SASE allows businesses to customize their networking and security solutions to

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