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P. 31

Right here, we would use some effort to explain how the control systems with the feedback
operate. For instance, it’s possible that you would deal with the small regulating box that would
seek from you to define your desired temperature and humidity in a room. You would do that –
so, you would get those two data being the input parameters to your heating system. Those
input data would cause your controller dealing with the process being the state of your
temperature and humidity in that room.

Practically, at the end of this block diagram, you would get some output variables that would
indicate those two heating parameters. As it’s suggested before – the feedback branch would
deal with the sensors that would measure the temperature and humidity at that place and send
those data at the input trying to compare them with the desired values. If these two variables
match the desired
temperature and humidity
values – the system would
obtain a certain level of
accuracy. On the other hand,
if not – it would keep
adjusting the output
parameters to get as desired.

So, the question here would
be how this could be
correlated with the analytics.
Well, you would agree with us
that what we’ve just
demonstrated to you – could
get called some sort of
analysis. That sort of stuff would support you in a better understanding of how things work as
well as give you an opportunity to make some corrections or at least improvements to your
solution. Everyone would agree that your sophisticated heating system being the part of a smart
home solution would be capable to communicate with the rest of smart home subsystems using
the web. Those subsystems could be media system, lighting system and so on – depending on
how well your home got equipped. In order to analyze all these signals and data you would use
some of the platforms being created to the IoT analytics. Right here, we would not deal with any
of the IoT analytics platforms for a reason they are the matter of their vendors. In other words,
we would try to be more explaining and less commercial which should be the point of any good

The role of actionable-intelligence with an IoT

Some sources would recommend that the best way to deal with the IoT analytics is through the
scheme – Sense, Understand and Act. In other words, you should use smart sensors or
measuring devices in order to gather data from your surroundings. Further, you should deal with

31 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – May 2017 Edition
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