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The issue of cyber tracking in a modern consumer’s society
Milica Djekic
It appears that an information is getting so vitally important for a life and business of the modern
humans, so the places where people exchange their information are getting significant as well.
As the most common way of the modern exchange of information, we would mention e-mail
They are so practical for an everyday’s use and also very convenient for the different sorts of
cyber devices. The main issue here would be that those accounts can be tracked or accessed in
an unauthorized manner, so they could potentially be seen as a spot suitable for an information
In this article, we intend to talk about the challenges of cyber tracking as well as provide some
practical advices how to protect a valuable information and cyber asset as same glance.
How a cyber tracking is possible
As it is known, many publically available as well as commercial e-services offer an opportunity
to check someone’s e-mail correspondence, once you obtained such login details. In fact, with
someone’s login information in your hands, you can access that person’s e-mail account as
There are so many possible scenarios how those sorts of access could be misused for, say, a
business espionage, cybercrime or even terrorism. Someone’s login details are very confidential
information and once they are in service of malicious actors, they can be used for obtaining a
confirmed information on someone’s personal or business activities as well as another habits.
It’s not hard to imagine which sort of advantage on the market your competitors could take,
once they get familiar with your business e-mail correspondence. Also, it’s getting clear how
risky is the situation when some criminal or terrorist groups are getting familiar with someone’s
activities through a cyber tracking of his e-mail account.
Finally, many confidential information get exchanged through e-mail correspondence and that
communication asset appears as so suitable for hackers and the other cyber criminals to break
into it and take advantage to such a content. So, a cyber tracking of your e-mail assets appears
as a real nightmare, does not it?
In addition, what is also important to understand is that a tracking of someone’s e-mail account
is possible as well if some sort of the professional security e-mail checking tool is applied. This
sort of software does not require an user to be familiar with someone’s login details, but rather
to know such a person’s e-mail address.
30 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – May 2015 Edition
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