Page 87 - cdm-2014
P. 87
...allege the NSA has infected million of computers around the world malware and that the NSA is impersonating US social
media or other websites...
Symantec's 'Death of Antivirus' Is a Dangerous Marketing Ploy
05/08/2014 11:05 (Yahoo! News)
...that "gets it" and can keep up with the ever-changing malware threats facing big American companies. The fact is,
antivirus software is not dead...
Insiders Pose A Serious Threat To Corporate Information
05/08/2014 10:41 (
...addition to abusing entrusted privileges and resources, we observed hacking techniques to elevate privileges (often by
stealing others credentials)
CEOs and Hackers
05/08/2014 08:06 (Legal News)
...profits today s chief executives are being held responsible for lapses in computer security. Daniel Ives, an analyst for
FBR Capital Markets,
The prime target for malicious emails
05/08/2014 05:35 (Help Net Security)
...harmless adverts. The rising popularity of mobile devices means that phishing attacks targeting Apple IDs are becoming
more frequent. Many gadget...
Check Point: 'Unknown malware' hits enterprise nets 53 times a day
05/08/2014 05:34 (Network World)
...Microsoft Office, with Word being the most prevalent. The Global Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), an international
organization that tracks e-mail...
Cyber-Crimes Expert Provides Tips On How To Keep Kids Safe From Predators
05/08/2014 02:16 (CBS Los Angeles)
Tyler Cohen Wood said. Wood, a senior officer and a cyber branch chief for the Defense Intelligence Agency within the
Department of Defense,
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