Page 6 - Cyber Defense eMagazine March 2024
P. 6


            From the


            Dear Friends,

            In my capacity as CEO of Cyber Defense Media Group (CDMG), parent of Cyber Defense Magazine, I’m pleased
            to observe that we continue the trend of broadening readership, as well as expanding the services of CDMG.

            A current example is the recent interview on CyberDefense TV, with author Jeffrey Stephens. During the interview,
            Jeff recounted his experience of identity theft involving the hijacking of his FB account.  His efforts to reclaim
            ownership of the account were spurned by the website operator. Upon seeing the interview, one of our CDMG
            executives  took  the  pro-active  route  of  introducing  Jeff  to  a  magazine  contributor,  who  has  the  capability  of
            reestablishing Jeff’s ownership and control of the account.  It’s an ongoing effort, which we’ll report on next month.

            We  also  feature  the  CDMG  Global  Awards  program  at  ,  and  the  many
            participating professionals who have earned this important recognition for their contributions to the cybersecurity
            industry. Reflecting the expansion of cybersecurity-related activities, readers will note the addition of several new
            award categories.

            We would like to remind our contributors and supporters that the 2024 RSAC Conference will take place in San
            Francisco,  CA,  May  6-9,  2024.    The  theme  is  The  Art  of  the  Possible,  and  online  registration  is  available  at
            digitalad-register-us2024  Submissions Are Now Open for RSAC Innovation Sandbox and RSAC Launch Pad.
            Learn More

            As always, we strive to be the best and most actionable set of resources for the CISO community in publishing
            Cyber Defense Magazine and broadening the activities of Cyber Defense Media Group.  With appreciation for the
            support of our contributors and readers, we continue to pursue our role as the premier provider of news, opinion,
            and forums in cybersecurity.

            Warmest regards,

            Gary S. Miliefsky, fmDHS, CISSP®              P.S.  When  you  share  a  story  or  an  article  or

            CEO/Publisher/Radio/TV Host                   information  about  CDM,  please  use  #CDM  and
                                                          @CyberDefenseMag and @Miliefsky – it helps spread
                                                          the word about our free resources even more quickly

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – March 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          6
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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