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The next generation policing

Today’s policing supported with many modern findings about the crime as well as procedures
how to resolve the most complicated cases could try to think in advance and suggest some
requirements to the new generation police officers which would cope with that standard in the
future. If we adopt some good practice nowadays, we could produce the highly capable Police
Force tomorrow. Also, it’s important to mention that this time’s defense system would greatly
rely on the emerging equipment and technology, so some skills in that sense would be welcome
as well.

First, what would drag someone’s attention at the first glance are a behavior and attitude as well
as physical shape, so it could be so significant to seek from the police officer to care about
those first-sight impressions due to that’s something which could offer the confidence about the
Police to many civilians. Also, it’s so important that Police officers get the good communication
skills as well as friendly approach to the people, because they should feel them as the
community members which purpose is the protect everyone’s needs. We plan to illustrate some
of the basic attributes that the Police officer of the new generation should have in Table 1. We
believe these characteristics could assure us the Smart Policing in the coming times.

Table 1. The Police officer’s most important attributes

Attributes / Very Low Low Moderate High Very High

Behavioral The behavior The behavior The The The
model got fully got somehow behavior behavio behavior
inappropriate inappropriate got r got got highly
satisfactor good good

Physical No physical Some Average Good Outstandin
condition shape physical physical physical g physical
shape shape shape shape

Positive No attitude Some attitude Moderate Good Highly good
attitude attitude attitude attitude

Communicatio Poor skill Some skill Average Good Exceptional
n skills skill skills skills

Interpersonal Poor skills Some skills Moderate Good Excellent
skills skills skills skills

31 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – March 2016 Edition
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