Page 122 - Cyber Defense eMagazine June 2024
P. 122

Guardians of the Grid: Cyber-Secure Microgrids

            and the Future of Energy Resilience

            The Crucial Role of Cyber-Resilient Microgrids
            By Brian Jabeck, VP of Data Centers, Enchanted Rock

            The vulnerability of major metropolitan power grids to natural disasters has become a pressing concern,
            but mother nature isn’t the only thing threatening our grid these days. As society becomes more digitized,
            critical infrastructure faces increased exposure to cyber threats. And quite simply, there isn’t enough
            power to go around so accessing new power is increasingly becoming a roadblock for data centers. One
            solution  gaining  traction  is  microgrids,  which  offer  access  to  reliable  power  and  ongoing  electrical
            resilience for businesses and the government alike.

            As our world becomes increasingly digitized, critical infrastructure is more exposed than ever before.
            Security experts describe a cyber-attack against the power grid as a form of asymmetrical warfare—a
            means  of  destroying  a society  by  cutting  off the  delivery  of food,  water,  healthcare,  commerce,  and
            communications. In essence, contemporary economies run on electricity, and without it, they seize up.
            It’s vital to implement every security measure possible to prevent disruptions that could leave people
            without essential resources. What many don’t realize is microgrids offer protection against cyberattacks
            and provide a promising avenue for enhancing grid security

            As  a  source  of  onsite  power  generation  during  outages,  microgrids  ensure  facilities  and  operations
            remain functional, but they can also help stabilize the grid during periods of grid stress. With their ability
            to  operate  independently  from  the  main  grid  (islanding),  microgrids  can  not  only  ensure  continuous
            protection against cyber threats but also offer a flexible and efficient solution for the evolving energy

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          122
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