Page 50 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
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The Solution to Overcoming Cyber Threats in A 5g World

                      Optical Wireless Communciations (Owc) Will Be Key For Maximizing Security

              By Michael Abad-Santos, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Strategy,

            Nearly 6 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices were in service worldwide at the end of 2020, according
            to Gartner. But mobile operators aren’t the only ones chasing that opportunity. Hackers are, too.
            Each additional IoT device creates another potential back door for hackers to steal identities, financial
            records and other confidential information, or take control of vehicles and critical infrastructure such as
            public  water  supplies.  All  of  these  cyber  attacks  have  been  around  for  years,  but  there  are  several
            reasons why 5G significantly increases the opportunities and vulnerabilities:
               •  5G  is  more  than  just  an  evolutionary  step,  like  4G  was  for  3G.  It’s  a  fundamentally  different
                   architecture based on virtualized, highly distributed, software-defined infrastructure. All of this
                   creates a steep learning curve for both operators and their vendors. It’s inevitable that they’ll
                   overlook many of the cyberattack vectors that the 5G architecture enables.
               •  Private networks will be even more common in 5G than they are in 4G. Owned by factories and
                   other  enterprises,  private  5G  networks  are  potential  back  doors  into  operator  networks.  For
                   example, a hacker could target an enterprise network not to attack the IoT devices that use it, but
                   rather as a route into the mobile operator’s 5G network and the IoT endpoints, smartphones and
                   other devices that use it.
               •  5G relies heavily on application programming interface (APIs) to support service functions. This
                   architecture lays the foundation for API-enabled hacks like the one used to target SolarWinds.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                50
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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