Page 32 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
P. 32

Key Business Lessons Learned from The SolarWinds Hack

                                 By, George Waller, CEO of Strikeforce Technologies

            A full year of disruption by the global pandemic has forced businesses to adapt fast to the shifting remote
            work  realities.  This  new  dynamic,  which  has  employees  using  their  own  computers  and  accessing
            company networks everywhere but the office, has created new headaches and threat vectors for security
            and IT professionals.

            There’s been a massive increase in global cyber attacks aimed at governments and corporations since
            the very first days of  COVID-19. By now, most are familiar with the high profile SolarWinds case, a global
            intrusion campaign that one Microsoft executive called ‘one of the most widespread and complex events
            in cybersecurity history.’ The damage caused by the attack was felt by large enterprises and by the
            highest echelons of government alike,  demonstrating the ease with which seemingly secure software
            systems can be hacked.

            Keeping internal systems secure while ensuring sensitive data and personal information isn’t breached
            has become a key problem that SMBs and larger enterprises are looking to solve. The current business
            landscape  has  created  a  perfect  environment  for  cybercriminals  to  flourish,  and  we  are  now  seeing
            hackers and nation-state actors able to conduct much more sophisticated attacks.

            As the work from home trend continues, the SolarWinds attack serves as a lesson for businesses, who
            should  be  looking  to  implement  the  right  types  of  resources  for  building  secure  networks  and  work
            environments that can foster safe communication and collaboration.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                32
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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