Page 114 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
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cyber warfare. Disinformation and influence campaigns are not a new cause for concern, and they do not
            appear to be going away anytime soon.

            Moving Forward
            With elections, public health crises and the day to day discussions of fake news, Americans rightfully
            continue to struggle to discern the real from the fake online and, more broadly, understand the importance
            of being able to do so.

            According to a study from Pew Research Center in September 2020, “About half of U.S. adults (53%)
            say they get news from social media ‘often’ or ‘sometimes.’” And though the average internet user may
            continue to stay on the lookout for the latest flood of suspicious posts from a distant relative, the gradual
            barrage of dis- and misinformation can serve to slowly wear down their resolve, desensitizing them to
            continued attacks from bad actors.

            As the defense community continues to address the role influence campaigns play in cyber warfare,
            utilizing and integrating technology platforms that can help detect, track and trace disinformation as it
            spreads  will  better  equip  government  agencies  to  proactively  identify  and  neutralize  serious  threats.
            Understanding how disinformation is spreading, and perhaps more importantly, who the disinformation
            campaign is targeting can provide crucial for an agency’s ability to effectively combat these bad actors
            before they have a chance to cause a significant lasting impact.

            About the author

            Dan  Brahmy  is  the  co-founder  and  CEO  of  Cyabra,  a  SaaS  platform  that
            measures  impact  and  authenticity  within  online  conversations  to  detect

            Dan  can  be  reached  online  at  @TheCyabra,  [email protected]  and  at  our
            company website

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                114
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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