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everyone on the globe. Finally, it’s so convenient making a web content and hold it on your
private computer, a public web server or simply borrow a space on someone’s else private
machine for a very low rate.

Some concluding remarks

At the end, we would notice that there are still many open questions regarding this contribution.
What we’ve done here is an attempt of some sort of a theoretical research which could not be
assumed as comprehensive without an experimental effort which would offer a good opportunity
to some future researchers to verify their claims and provide some real results that would rely
on some sort of evidence. For such a reason, we would encourage the other cyber researchers
as well as IT professionals to conduct such an investigation and try to provide more findings to
this topic which, at this stage, we are not in position to obtain due to our limited possibilities and


[1] Peter Biddle, Paul England, Marcus Peinado, Bryan Willman, The Darknet and the Future of
Content Distribution, Microsoft Corporation, 2002
[2] Bright Planet, The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value, White paper, 2000
[3] Deep Web (Search indexing), Wikipedia:
[4] Dynamic URLs vs. static URLs, Google Webmaster Central Blog:
[5] Mohammadreza Khelghati, Djoerd Hiemstra, Maurice van Keulen, Deep Web Entity
Monitoring, University of Twente, Netherlands, 2012
[6] Steve Pederson, Understanding the Deep Web in 10 Minutes, Bright Planet, 2013

About the Author:

Since Milica Djekic graduated at the Department of Control
Engineering at University of Belgrade, Serbia, she’s been an
engineer with a passion for cryptography, cyber security, and
wireless systems. Milica is a researcher from Subotica, Serbia.
She also serves as a Reviewer at the Journal of Computer
Sciences and Applications. She writes for Australian and
American security magazines. She is a volunteer with the
American corner of Subotica as well as a lecturer with the local
engineering society.

33 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – June 2015 Edition
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