Page 78 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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Demonstrating Continuous Improvement:

            Filing  and  presenting  regular  reports  on  the  upward  trajectory  of  a  digital  transformation  is  critical  to
            advocating  for its continuation.  Therefore, make use of compiled metrics by linking them to your audits
            and  assessments.  Communicate  the  necessity  of  ongoing  improvements  by  highlighting  emerging
            cybersecurity threats and thus the business value of emergent technologies.

            ● Regular Security Assessments: Conduct periodic vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to
            identify and address security gaps proactively.

            ● Metrics-Driven Reporting:  Regularly communicate security posture improvements  to leadership using
            data-driven reports. Showcase the effectiveness of implemented controls.

            ● Adaptability and Continuous Learning: Stay current with evolving threats and adapt security strategies
            accordingly. Embrace continuous learning to ensure your security posture remains effective.

            By focusing on these strategies, security leaders can achieve and communicate the impact of their hard-
            fought  wins.  Thus,  they  demonstrably  improve  an  organization’s  overall  cybersecurity  posture  while
            making key stakeholders  aware of this. Communication, collaboration,  and data-driven decision making
            are key to securing lasting success.

            Therefore, the most impactful  security leaders are those who embrace the link between the success of
            their work and the success of their fellow employees.

            About the Author

            Chris  Schueler,  as  Chief  Executive  Officer,  drives  the  overall  vision  and
            strategy for Simeio. He is a proven leader with extensive experience  in Go To
            Market,  Operations,  and  Product  Development  in  the  managed  security
            services space.

            He joined Simeio from Trustwave; leading all aspects of their security services
            and  go-to-market.  Under  his  leadership  and  strategy,  created  a  significant
            growth  engine  in revenue  and profit,  ultimately  moving  Trustwave’s  services
            into global leadership  positions  in all markets and analyst communities.  Prior
            to that, Chris spent 11 years with IBM building, growing, and expanding their cloud and security managed
            services businesses  achieving significant growth in revenue, margin, and NPS in both large public and
            small  emerging  environments.  Chris  is  a veteran  of  the  US  Army  and  spent  12  years  in  Information
            Operations Commands.

            Chris received a Bachelor’s degree in OMIS from Northern Illinois University and his Master’s of Business
            Administration  degree from Auburn University. He is a husband and father to 3 daughters, a health and
            fitness enthusiast, and an outdoorsman.

            Chris can be reached online  or by contacting  us on our website:

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          78
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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