Page 67 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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Effective  backup  and recovery  plans  ensure  business  continuity  by  enabling  organizations  to  resume
            operations with minimal downtime and data loss.

            Incident response plan

            An incident response plan outlines the steps an organization should take in the event of a security breach,
            from initial detection and containment to eradication, recovery, and post-incident analysis.

            A well-defined incident response plan includes roles and responsibilities, communication  protocols, and
            procedures for documenting and analyzing incidents.

            Regularly  updating  and  testing  the  plan  through  simulations  and  drills  ensures  the  response  team  is
            prepared to act swiftly and effectively in a real incident.

            Engage with cybersecurity experts

            Cybersecurity  experts  can  conduct  thorough  assessments,  identify  vulnerabilities,  and  recommend
            tailored  security  solutions.  They  offer  insights  into  the  latest  threat  intelligence  and  emerging  attack
            vectors, helping organizations  stay ahead of cybercriminals.

            Collaborating  with external  experts ensures  that organizations  benefit  from a broader  perspective  and
            expertise  that  may  not  be  available  in-house.  Additionally,  experts  can  assist  in  developing  and
            implementing comprehensive cybersecurity strategies, conducting employee training, and responding to

            About the Author

            Bogdan Glushko is the Chief Information  Officer of Proven Data. Glushko actively
            leverages  his  years  of  experience  restoring  thousands  of  critical  systems  after
            incidents.  Glushko  is  a  trusted  voice  guiding  organizations  on  resilient  data
            strategies, ransomware  response protocols, and mitigating evolving cyber threats.
            Through proven leadership, he continues delivering cutting-edge data preservation
            and recovery  solutions  that fortify business  resilience  against  breaches,  outages,
            and data loss from modern cyber attacks.

            Bogdan  Glushko  can  be  reached  online  at        or  via
            [email protected],  and at our company website

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          67
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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