Page 4 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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The Evolution of Device Recognition to Attack Fraud at-Scale-------------------------------------118
              By André Ferraz, Co-Founder and CEO of Incognia

            The Internet of Things Technological Perspective ----------------------------------------------------121
              By Milica D. Djekic

            Unlocking The Context Behind Bot Attacks: Protecting Your Go-To-Market Strategy ---------124

              By Asaf Botovsky, CTO at CHEQ
            When CIOs and CFOs Align, Businesses Thrive -------------------------------------------------------127

              By Martin Greenfield, CEO of Quod Orbis

            Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: A New Era of Defense ----------------------------------131
              By Daniel  Wilfred Chandolu  aka Danny  Wilfred,  Principal  Cybersecurity Architect,  Providence  St.
              Joseph Health

            Headline-Stealing Hacks Involving AI-Based Voice Chatbots & Automated MSPs ------------133

              By Marc Laliberte, Director of Security Operations at at WatchGuard Technologies
            Why Legacy MFA is DOA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------136

              By Kevin Surace, Chair, Token
            Best Practices for Enterprise Security ------------------------------------------------------------------140

              By Anurag Lal, CEO & President of NetSfere

            Cyber Threats vs. Risks: Building a Proactive Cyber Defense --------------------------------------143
              By George Jones, Chief Information  Security Officer at Critical Start

            AI in Cybersecurity: Understanding Challenges, Opportunities and New Approaches-------146
              By Matthew Pines, Director of Intelligence,  PinnacleOne

            GDPR & CCPA: A CIO's Essential Guide to Email Compliance -------------------------------------149

              By Shanky Gupta, Managing Director, yourDMARC
            Spotlight on Oleria-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------153

              By Dan K. Anderson vCISO and On-Call Roving Reporter, CyberDefense Magazine

            Tips for Detecting and Preventing Multi-Channel Impersonation Attacks-----------------------159
              By Abhilash Garimella, Head of Research at Bolster

            Fortifying The Digital Frontier: Everyday Habits That Shape Your Company's Cybersecurity
              By Apu Pavithran, CEO And Founder, Hexnode

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          4
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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