Page 6 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
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                                                              CYBER DEFENSE eMAGAZINE

                                                              Published monthly by the team at Cyber Defense Media Group and
                                                              distributed electronically via opt-in Email, HTML, PDF and Online

                                                              Flipbook formats.

                                                              PRESIDENT & CO-FOUNDER
                                                                      Stevin Miliefsky
                                                                      [email protected]

                                                              INTERNATIONAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & CO-FOUNDER
                                                                       Pierluigi Paganini, CEH

     InfoSec Knowledge is Power.  We will                              [email protected]

   always strive to provide the latest, most
                                                               US EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
                                                                      Yan Ross, JD
      up to date FREE InfoSec information.                            [email protected]

     From the International                                    ADVERTISING

                                                                      Marketing Team
     Editor-in-Chief…                                                 [email protected]

     The  international  effects  of  recent  medical  and  political      CONTACT US:
     developments  continue to show up prominently in the  world of
                                                               Cyber Defense Magazine
     cybersecurity.    We  see  a  continuation  of  trends  in  Coronavirus   Toll Free:   1-833-844-9468

     effects, cyber-criminal activity, and government actions in response   International:   +1-603-280-4451
     to these threats.                                         SKYPE:         cyber.defense

     International effects of COVID-19 include restrictions on physical
     travel,  resulting  in  greater  dependence  on  cyber  “travel”  to
                                                               Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine, a division of

     accomplish  necessary  business  and  government  functions.    As
                                                                  CYBER DEFENSE MEDIA GROUP (a Steven G. Samuels LLC d/b/a)
     might     be  expected,  the  expanded  reliance  on  cyber  assets  also   276 Fifth Avenue, Suite 704, New York, NY 10001

     provide   greater   opportunities   for   criminal   activity.   EIN: 454-18-8465, DUNS# 078358935.

     We  may  also  note  the  divergence  in  approaches  between  the   All rights reserved worldwide.
     European model, using an integrated set of laws and regulations,
     on one hand, and the U.S. model, which tends to respond to these
                                                               Gary S. Miliefsky, CISSP®

     challenges on a State-by-State basis, on the other.  I hasten to add
     there are some indications of movement on the federal level to   Learn more about our founder & publisher at:

     adopt national privacy laws which would provide a greater measure

     of conformity.
                                                                        8 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE!
     As I observed last month, failure to work together in a cooperative
     fashion  can  only  provide  more  opportunities  for  the  abuse  and   Providing free information, best practices, tips and

     misuse of sensitive information, even leading to the compromise of   techniques on cybersecurity since 2012, Cyber Defense
     the command and control systems of our critical infrastructure.   magazine is your go-to-source for Information Security.

     Accordingly, may I suggest that in the days ahead we agree to put   We’re a proud division of Cyber Defense Media Group:
     our  differences  aside  in  favor  of  responding  to  our  common

     enemies:    the  COVID-19  virus  itself  and  those  who  would  take   CYBERDEFENSEMEDIAGROUP.COM

     advantage of this crisis to perpetrate criminal schemes.

     To our faithful readers, we thank you,                     MAGAZINE   TV     RADIO               AWARDS

     Pierluigi Paganini
     International Editor-in-Chief
            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         6
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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