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5. Stay Cautious and Stay Smart!
A major part of increasing computer security is learning to be e-streetwise. Don’t click on
suspicious looking links, don’t open any emails whereby you don’t know or don’t recognise the
sender and try to only visit registered and trustworthy websites. If you are using a shared
computer, never leave yourself logged into any accounts and always close all sessions on the
browser you are currently using after logging out.
Think of a PC as your wallet and personal ID. Keep them close to your person and in a safe
place when you’re not using them. By using these five techniques you can significantly reduce
the chances of your personal details – or those of your clients’ if you happen to run a business -
coming under attack. Remember to stay vigilant and to regularly update both your passwords
and your antivirus program and keep backing up those files!
About the author
Mike James is a tech geek and gaming addict based in Sussex, UK. He
takes an interest in new MMORPGs often writes about this and new tech
findings for Technology Means Business, an IT support provider with offices
in Hampshire, Essex and Kent.
58 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – July 2014 Edition
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