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Dynamic Cryptography and Why it Matters?

Milica Djekic, an Online Marketing Coordinator at Dejan SEO and the Editor-in-Chief at
Australian Science Magazine

As it is known, we live in a very dynamic and constantly changing world, where new
information and ideas are coming and leaving at a really fast pace. Indeed, we should notice
that data protection and critical information security play a crucial role in maintaining our
everyday’s lives. For that reason, invoking the technique of dynamic encryption could be
strategically important in this digital era. In this article we should attempt to provide the
answer to the following question – Why the concept of dynamic encryption matters? Well,
let’s begin.


With the widespread use of different network services and applications, security becomes a
major concern. From security perspectives, data integrity and confidentiality are vital
problems for information systems. Confidentiality is concerned with resources being only
accessed by authorized users, while integrity refers to protection against unauthorized
modification. Integrity and confidentiality are often related to authentication, authorization
and cryptography. In fact, authentication utilizes strong cryptographic systems in order to
secure itself. In other words, cryptography plays a crucial part of any security system.

There are two basic techniques in cryptography: symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. In
symmetric cryptography, encrypted and decrypted keys are the same. In contrast,
cryptography using different encrypted keys from decrypted keys is called asymmetric
cryptography. Each of them has its pluses and minuses. Because of its characteristics,
asymmetric cryptography is more secure than symmetric in key distribution and exchange.
However, symmetric cryptography is significantly faster than asymmetric cryptography.

In security systems, based on their advantages, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
are often combined together to protect information systems. By capturing communication
messages, an adversary might be able to detect patterns in the encrypted messages to
crack the ciphers. The compromise of one session key exposes all communication data in
the session. Furthermore, key exchange protocols rely on permanent asymmetric keys. The
more that asymmetric keys are reused to create sessions, the more cryptographic systems
become vulnerable to cryptanalysis attacks. When these keys are compromised, the whole
security system becomes vulnerable to adversaries.

Dynamic Cryptography

Imagine a typical hacker’s attack to some valuable communication lines or an information
system. Suppose that a cryptanalyst or an attacker is trying to identify a function transferred
throughout the certain communication channel by using a table of corresponding pairs of

34 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – July 2014 Edition
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