Page 28 - Cyber Warnings
P. 28
The role of new technologies within the terrorist attacks
The recent tendency would suggest that the human kind is witnessing many terrorist actions
worldwide. Some of them are well-planned and require the well-prepared rescue teams to resolve
them, while the others are just the improvisations organized to attract some media attention and,
unfortunately, leave some victims behind them.
Here, we would talk about one of the worst-case scenario hostage situations which could be
coordinated by some serious terrorist organization trained within the terrorist campus capable to
offer to those warriors the Special Forces skills.
Through this article, we plan to deal with some possible scenario which could be used as an
example of the heavy terrorist attack within the urban area. We would use the Google maps tool to
show some satellite records of our hometown Subotica which is located at the northern part of
Republic of Serbia.
The satellite map would suggest that the possible terrorist attack may occur at the downtown area
and may happen at the location presented with the red indicator.
The blue indicators would suggest how the rescue team forces would be positioned around the
critical area and how the entire operation could get obtained.
The case is quite realistic having in mind that the modern terrorist organizations or kidnappers could
easily gain the
military skills and
conduct such an
action for the
reason of
realizing some of
their interests –
either being
motivated or
driven by some
religious beliefs.
The concerning
group of, say, 20
attackers could
approach the
downtown area
28 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – January 2016 Edition
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