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A Smart Configuration of Your Computer… How Good is That as

a Prevention from a Hacking?

Milica Djekic

Computer breaches, hacker’s attacks and cyber incidents are becoming a part of our reality. Once a
malicious actor is inside your system, it’s quite difficult to protect your cyber asset from being
exploited. But, are there any preventive measures that could support you in your intent to stay cyber
safe? It appears one of the best ways to prevent your IT system from a hacker’s attack is to
configure your computer smartly. In this brief review, we plan to deal with some tips on how to
configure your cyber system and stay away from the bad guys.

What Are the Issues at the Moment?

As it is known, there are many issues with the cyber threats of today worldwide. It’s not that rare of
a case that malicious actors break into someone’s system and cause a significant amount of
damage. Using a modern hacking management tool such as, for instance, an open-source Armitage
or similar software, hackers can see what is going on in someone’s computer while that person or
organization is online.

Here, we could use the old joke that says the best way to stay away from the cyber threat is not to
buy a computer at all or even if you decide to take that risk, you should never use your internet
connection. Well, in a modern world where everything is vitally depended on computers, it’s quite
hard to imagine any of these two scenarios to find their applications in the practice.

So, we have the bad guys on the one side with their pretty cheap hacking management solutions,
but still good enough to cause a headache to all of us and we have the valuable information of the
other side which should get protected. What we suggest here is to try to configure your cyber assets
smartly and, in that sense, prevent your IT system from being exploited.

In this article, we plan to identify the key points in your cyber infrastructure that could be vulnerable
in cyber terms and also propose some bright solution to each of those issues.

How to Protect Your E-mail Account?

As one of the most concerning points within your IT asset, we would identify your e-mail account. It
appears it’s easier than ever to get access to someone’s mail. With that access data, you can easily
log into someone’s account or even stealing the mails from such a person or institution.

In practice, it’s quite simple to do so using one of the public e-mail services. Many of them have the
option that will allow you to re-direct copies of the e-mails from someone’s account to yours. You
can imagine what would happen if some of the government’s departments would be exposed to this
sort of cyber espionage.

For these reasons, we suggest that everyone should use security features for a cloud-based e-mail
clients or security plug-ins for a computer-based e-mail solutions. It’s quite easy and convenient to
find the most suitable plug in that fits your e-mail client and to use it in order to increase security to

23 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – February 2015 Edition
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