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Mobile Solutions

Accellion�s mobile app enables secure viewing, creating, editing, Management (ECM) systems behind the corporate firewall,
sharing and syncing of enterprise content. The product provides without a VPN.
IT controls to manage user privileges and access rights that
protect data and meet regulatory standards. Additionally, in order to ensure compliance within a variety of
industries, Accellion has ensured that its solution is up to date
Key benefits include: on numerous regulations.
• Secure content creation, editing and sharing of Microsoft
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files It is HIPAA compliant for healthcare industry workers, it
• Secure mobile access to SharePoint, without VPN complies with SOX for the sharing of personal information, and
• Secure mobile access to enterprise content anytime, is FIPS 140-2 certified, to ensure that government agencies can
anywhere utilize the solution for their collaboration and sharing needs.
• Ability to restrict third party apps to IT managed whitelist
• Ability to open and upload files from e-mail and other apps About Accellion
• Easy and secure project and team collaboration Accellion, Inc. is an award-winning, well-funded, private
• Remote wipe for increased administration device-level company that provides enterprise-class mobile productivity
management solutions to enable secure, anytime, anywhere access to
information while ensuring enterprise security and compliance.
As security remains a top concern for most IT managers, More than 2,000 enterprise organizations, representing more
Accellion� s solution can be deployed in a private cloud, either than 12 million business users worldwide, rely on Accellion
hosted or on-premise in an organization� s data center, or via a solutions to help keep their enterprise information secure and
public cloud. ensure compliance, including: Procter & Gamble; Indiana
University Health; Kaiser Permanente; Lovells; Bridgestone;
Bridging the gap between security and mobile, Accellion Ogilvy & Mather; Harvard University; Guinness World Records;
emphasizes its secure, real-time mobile access to files stored in US Securities and Exchange Commission; and NASA.
SharePoint, Windows File Shares, and other Enterprise Content
�The Hot Company BYOD Solution for 2014 � - CDM

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