Page 86 - Cyber Defense eMagazine December 2022 Edition
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Companies from highly regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, legal, customer service, and
            human resources have to follow strict standards to safeguard customer and company data. Educate your
            workforce  on  the  dangers  of  device  sharing.  Company  devices  should  never  be  left  unattended,
            especially in a public place like a coffee shop. But even in the comfort of their homes, employees must
            know  that  sharing  their  company  laptop  with  an  unauthorized  user  is  never  okay  —  even  if  it’s  for
            something “innocent” like letting your kid watch Netflix on your device. One wrong click and you’re risking
            a  phishing  scam,  accidental  file  deletion,  or  violating  compliance  regulations  like  HIPAA,  PCI  DSS,
            GDPR, and SOC2.

            Unfortunately, relying on your employees alone is more of a “hope & pray” strategy. Security teams must
            implement continuous endpoint authentication solutions that constantly verify an employee's identity in
            the background throughout the day without being a burden.

            Want To Lower Your Cyber Insurance Premium? Mitigate Risk.

            In a work-from-anywhere environment, company devices are more vulnerable than ever before. The
            biggest thing you can do to lower your cyber insurance premiums is to reduce your overall risk. While it
            takes time to build a truly robust security infrastructure, taking the steps we covered above like Education,
            Strong password policy, 2FA/MFA, Least privilege, and most importantly protecting your devices with
            continuous endpoint authentication will immediately improve your security posture — giving you more
            leverage to negotiate and reduce your cybersecurity premium.

            About the Author

            Raul Popa is the CEO, Co-Founder, and Data Scientist at
            TypingDNA — an award-winning cybersecurity startup that
            authenticates people by the way they type on computers and
            mobile  devices.  Typing  biometrics  technology  is  currently
            being  used  in  our  suite  of  Continuous  Authentication  and
            2FA  products.  Raul  and  TypingDNA  have  won  multiple
            awards  and  were  featured  in  TechCrunch,  Forbes,

            VentureBeat,  TheNextWeb,  ProductHunt,  FinancialTimes,
            and other top publications. Raul was recognized in the Top
            60 AI Influencers from Eastern Europe and was featured in
            the Top 100 New Europe list of influencers. As a tech innovator Raul speaks about AI, Biometrics, Identity
            Access Management and entrepreneurship at global events such as TEDx, Applied Machine Learning
            Days, World Summit AI, International Biometrics Summit, Future of AI (at European Parliament), How To
            Web,  TechFest,  any  many  others.  Connect  with  Raul  on  LinkedIn  and  Twitter,  or  at

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – December 2022 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                         86
            Copyright © 2022, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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