Page 152 - Cyber Defense eMagazine December 2022 Edition
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can document in a mathematical fashion any event in a completely quantitative manner as they cope with
            the cold logics which can indeed; impact any case or the other actions in a truly rational way. Apparently,
            it’s great dealing with some descriptions, tables, equations and diagrams, but there must be a method to
            interpret those outcomes as the entire system could cope with those research findings in order to obtain
            a deep understanding of some policing tasks, so far.

            In addition, a similar approach could be applied in following certain events in the cyberspace where the
            users talk to each other or do some cyber activities such as e-payment, online banking, simple web
            search or social networking usages. In such a sense, it’s obvious many of them even in a legal business
            would keen to get familiar with the user habits, behavior and interests as once the marketplace tendencies
            are well-analyzed there can be run certain consumer’s campaigns which role is to improve those offerings
            and attract as many clients as it is possible in order to take a good portion of the marketplace, as well as
            count on a bigger profit.

            At the moment, the user behavior can be observed as a fully lawful concern, but as it is well-known some
            legal business consumers are everyone being capable to pay for some product or service and as a
            customer is always right no one will reject the money even coming from a criminal environment as in a
            business world it’s important to make an income, not take that care if the finances are made legally or
            illegally, so far. From such a point of view, it’s clear that something must be done in case of the money
            laundering through buying some goods, services, retails, estates and much more. At this stage, no lawful
            business will ask their customer about a background of such money and that’s how many will legalize
            their capital being earned through some crime.

            Therefore, the majority of the criminal organizations must pawn some areas over the world and they will
            deeply go into the legal system trying to in such a case literally pay for their legal status within some
            communities. Even the modern banking relies on the cyber technologies and any such transactions can
            be monitored and proved as there are some ways in the ongoing law enforcement to confirm someone’s
            identity just if that person is using some counterfeited details about a certain belonging. In other words,
            in order to create a bank account or subscribe to some communication plan there will be the entire
            application form which must be completed and some ID documents must be shown in order to get a
            permission to use the services of such critical infrastructures. The operator with some telecommunication
            provider or bank officer with some banking surroundings are supposed to enter data accurately into their
            online  system  simply  registering a  new user  to  get  subscribed  to  their  services which  means  some
            footage is left and only through a skillful analysis it’s feasible to check out such an account or in another
            way recommend to such critical assets to put a request on a pending status in order to give some time
            to the Police to confirm a possible security concern with such an application.

            It seems such an approach could serve as a good idea for some crime prevention program which should
            be well-studied, prepared and implemented among the communities. The counterfeited documents are
            not necessarily included into the Police register and they might be created with the forgery underworld
            as those clever offenders can produce something that the modern policing recognizes as a blank ID
            document.  The  entire  program  should  be  developed  very  carefully  as  there  can  always  be  some
            drawbacks with the system which can be overwhelmingly exploited.

            In order to avoid such a scenario the law enforcement agencies must assure a comprehensive risk
            management within a society as in the future those criminal schemes would be completely reduced or at

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – December 2022 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                         152
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