Page 28 - Cyber Warnings August 2017
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The ‘technology-only’ approach
In spite of the clear role that human psychology plays in the cyber security landscape, the
industry has strangely yet to properly confront the human element – the psychology, the
emotions, the motivators, and the lack of knowledge – which drives cyber-crime. According to a
recent Mozilla survey, 91% of people still “don't know much about protecting themselves online”.
This neglect has meant that emotion and human error are now the significant inlets for
attackers. Verizon’s “2017 Data Breach Investigations Report” revealed that 66% of malware is
installed via malicious email attachments and that 43% of all cyber-attacks are ‘social’ attacks
such as phishing. Over the course of a year in a company of 100 people, Verizon estimates that
approximately seven employees will be victims of a successful phishing attack.
Attacks are growing and becoming more consequential with nearly every industry now
impacted, affecting even the highest rungs of business and government. In March of this year,
Facebook and Google were conned out of $100m in a phishing scam after being tricked by a
Lithuanian man impersonating an electronics manufacturer. In July, numerous phishing
attempts were made against US nuclear power stations. In August, White House officials were
fooled by an email prankster.
If high profile attacks like these have taught us anything, it is that cyber security needs to be a
more holistic mission. Relying singly on security software isn’t enough.
Learning self-defence
Education of staff and a focus on permanently changing online behaviour is evidently part of the
solution, but when traditional training programs aimed at cognitively arming staff have been
proven to have minimal effect, companies need to be wary of where their money goes.
Cyber security training needs to be about more than education. It needs to transform human
psychology itself and fight against our instinctual human emotions that drive us to mindlessly
click on links, even when we know full well that we shouldn’t.
A tick box approach to training is clearly not sufficient. Neither is overwhelming staff with
technical information or by giving staff useless ‘training manuals’; simply reading facts doesn’t in
any way suggest that those facts will be acted on.
Having a two-hour training session once every few years is a pointless venture. It’s well
documented within educational psychology that people retain much more information in regular,
smaller chunks, and the way that businesses train their staff needs to reflect this.
Once organisations begin to take modern, psychologically-minded approach to their cyber
security, they’ll be sure to find an actual, tangible change in online conduct.
Balancing people with technology
Today’s businesses have largely chosen to invest in technology to enhance their cyber
defences, perhaps assuming that a technological attack is best neutralised by a technological
28 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – August 2017 Edition
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