Page 54 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2021 Edition
P. 54

1.     Cloud Security

          2020 was a pivotal year for cloud adoption as businesses sought to extend employee IT service access be-
          yond the walls of the business, cut costs, retain flexibility, and throttle demand due to dislocation caused by
          the pandemic. According to the Team8 survey, cloud security (64%) is the number one investment area for
          2021, followed by security automation (53%) and identity and
          access management (52%).

          Cloud is now becoming so complex that it should be perceived as an operating system. Rather than applying
          legacy solutions to the cloud, organizations need security solutions that are architected for the cloud, com-
          bining control and integrity with scalability and agility.

          2.     Security of Things

          2020 saw an explosion of connected devices. While new devices are coming online, old
          technologies, including manufacturing, remain vulnerable.

          Legacy systems are continuing to be connected to the internet, as are Industrial IoT (IIoT)
          technologies. IT/OT convergence has the ability to unlock tremendous business value, leading to
          improvements in operational efficiency, performance and quality of service. Yet, new threat types expose
          the need for better endpoint defense. Novel attack patterns and approaches are cropping up every day that
          require a shift from signature-based detection to more advanced and dynamic
          behavioral-based techniques. Enterprise security teams simply can’t stop them all, and a lack of asset visi-
          bility and management and security updates compounds the problem.

          The shift in ransomware from focusing on data and IT infrastructure to disrupting OT environments is accel-
          erating and is now one of the greatest threats facing CISOs and CIOs today. To mitigate risk of threats that
          cross the IT/OT boundary, new models and mindsets are needed.

          3.     Perimeter-less World
          Remote-first work will remain with us in a post-pandemic environment, with 72% of office workers indicating
          a desire to retain the flexibility to work remotely. The global workforce has become reliant on at-home Wi-Fi
          networks, non-hardened work devices, and online collaboration tools – all trends which accelerated during
          2020’s pandemic-enforced remote-work period. Organizations must quickly move beyond perimeter-based
          solutions to secure the growing number of applications and resources hosted in the cloud, available as a
          service, and on mobile systems.

          4.     Privacy & Digital Trust

          Many organizations have a hard time keeping up with ever-changing regulations because they lack an ef-
          fective Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) program, and regulations often conflict with one another,
          making it costly and complicated to comply. To improve compliance  and earn consumer confidence, organi-
          zations need to take a proactive approach with tools, systems and services that help them get ahead of busi-
          ness risk by managing personal information within their enterprises and the supply chain, respecting regional
          variations in data regulations and transparently supporting consumers’ instructions about data sharing.

             54    Cyber Defense eMagazine – April 2021 Edition
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