Page 40 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2021 Edition
P. 40

2020 was the year that COVID-19 brought a major
                                              cyber-pandemic to the world. An assessment by INTERPOL
                                              revealed that organizations and businesses rapidly deploying
                                              remote systems and networks to support staff working from home were
                                              being taken advantage of by cybercriminals. The report
                                              noted that in a four-month period, “some 907,000 spam
                                              messages, 737 incidents related to malware and 48,000
                                              malicious URLs – all related to COVID-19 – were detected by INTER-
                                              POL and its private sector partners.”  Many of these never made the
                                              headlines, but six major attacks did – ranked below by their overall im-

                                              Today, we turn back the pages of 2020 to review the most
                                              noteworthy cyberattacks making up the cyber-pandemic, which came
                                              with  COVID-19  and  the  flight  of  employees  to  remote  work  environ-
                                              ments. These cyber events were part of an ongoing series of attacks,
                                              keeping IT security professionals on high alert.

                                              1.     The SolarWinds Attack - This attack involved  hackers com-
                                              promising the infrastructure of SolarWinds, a company that produces
                                              a network and application monitoring platform called Orion, and then
                                              using that access to produce and distribute
                                              trojanized updates to the software’s users.

                                              2.     FireEye: The Stolen Red Team Tools - On August 12, 2020
                                              FireEye announced  that a sophisticated  group  of hackers, likely
                                              state-sponsored, broke into its network and stole tools that the compa-
                                              ny’s experts developed to simulate real attackers and test the security
                                              of its customers. The attack was later found to be tied to SUNBURST
                                              malware which was also responsible for the SolarWinds attack.

                                              3.     Software AG: Clop Ransomware Attack - The
                                              second-largest software vendor in Germany was reportedly hit by a ran-
                                              somware attack in October 2020. News outlets reported that the Ger-
                                              man tech firm had been attacked by the Clop ransomware and that the
                                              cyber-criminal gang had demanded a $23 million

                                              4.     Sopra Steria: Ryuk Ransomware Attack – The 46,000 em-
                                              ployee European information technology firm announced on October
                                              21, 2020 that it had detected a cyber attack the previous evening. The
                                              virus was identified as a new version of the Ryuk ransomware, previous-
                                              ly unknown to antivirus software providers and security agencies. The
                                              attack followed a previous infection with either TrickBot or BazarLoader.

                                                 INTERPOL, INTERPOL report shows alarming rate of cyber-attacks during COVID-19, August, 2020

             40    Cyber Defense eMagazine – April 2021 Edition
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