Page 30 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2021 Edition
P. 30

ith    the    advent     of    Infrastructure-as-Code     (IaC),
                                              Wdevelopers  are provisioning  cloud  infrastructure and taking
                                              responsibility   for   infrastructure   changes.     This     means
                                              developers  have full control; owning  the entire application  stack
                                              along  with the infrastructure stack. Essentially, IaC enables
                                              developers  to achieve  the goals  for becoming  more autonomous
                                              and agile.  A developer  can easily spin up a production-like  cloud
                                              environment in a matter of minutes, both at scale and in a repeatable
                                              fashion. For many, IaC is a path to self-service IT empowering your
                                              developers to innovate at unprecedented speed.

                                              Cloud Security Breaches Are Costly

                                              While speed is of the essence inarguably, how do you ensure the cloud
                                              environment is secure? Do your developers have enough cloud security
                                              expertise that they are not bypassing certain
                                              security policies?

                                              The 2020 Cost of a Data Breach report by the Ponemon Institute found
                                              that cloud misconfigurations were the most common
                                              causes of malicious breaches among organizations studied.
                                              According to the study, the average cost of a breach due to cloud mis-
                                              configurations was $4.41 million. Incidentally, Gartner also
                                              cited that there is more risk from cloud infrastructure
                                              misconfiguration than from workload compromise. Evidently,
                                              infrastructure security in the cloud is a serious matter; this makes the
                                              decision between speed and governance hard.

                                              Why should you have to compromise speed for security, or vice versa?
                                              Is it possible to find the right balance between governance and speed?

                                              Legacy Approaches to Security Programs Hinder Agile

                                              The challenge is that security is often perceived as a drag on the re-
                                              quired speed and agility of deployment. This is because legacy security
                                              programs happen too late in the development cycle. After the infrastruc-
                                              ture is deployed, you tack on security scans at the end of the delivery
                                              process. If security issues are found,
                                              developers inevitably spend significant time and energy to
                                              investigate these security issues causing delay to the launch. The prob-
                                              lem is exacerbated by the fact that these security issues
                                              often turn out to be false positives causing tremendous frustration to the
                                              developers. Uncovering issues that late into the cycle is
                                              expensive to fix, creating unnecessary stress and slowing
                                              delivery. All too often, organizations would end up opting for faster deliv-
                                              ery by delaying security fixes at the expense of security.

             30    Cyber Defense eMagazine – April 2021 Edition
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