Page 62 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 62

4.  Lack of Regulation:

            Currently, there are no clear regulations or guidelines for the use of AI in healthcare. This can lead to
            inconsistencies in how AI applications are used and a lack of accountability.

            Implications for PHI and the Doctor-Patient Relationship:

               1.  Privacy:

            AI applications require access to personal health information, raising concerns about patient privacy.
            Patients may be hesitant to share sensitive medical information if they are unsure of how it will be used
            or who will have access to it.

            There is a concern around the potential for AI to violate patient privacy. As AI algorithms are often trained
            on sensitive patient data, there is a risk that the algorithms could be used to identify individual patients,
            even if the data has been de-identified.

               2.  Confidentiality:

            The use of AI in healthcare raises important questions around the confidentiality of the doctor-patient
            relationship. As AI requires vast amounts of patient data to operate effectively, patients may be hesitant
            to share sensitive information with their healthcare providers. This could lead to patients withholding
            important information, which could negatively impact their care.

            There is also a risk that AI could be used to identify individual patients, even if the data has been de-
            identified. This could lead to a breach of patient privacy and a violation of the doctor-patient relationship.

            To  address  these  concerns,  healthcare  providers  must  ensure  that  they  have  robust  data  security
            measures in place. This includes using encryption to protect patient data, implementing access controls
            to limit who can access patient data, and ensuring that all employees are trained on data security best

            Healthcare providers must also be transparent with patients about how their data will be used. Patients
            must be informed about how their data will be collected, stored, and used, and they must have the
            opportunity to opt-out of data sharing if they so choose.

            Healthcare  providers  must  always  ensure  that  they  are  using  unbiased  AI  algorithms.  This  includes
            ensuring that the data used to train the algorithms is diverse and representative of the patient population,
            and regularly monitoring the output of the algorithms for bias.

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