Page 6 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 6

Considering All Returns on a Cybersecurity Compliance Program ...................................... 156
            By Doug Barbin, Chief Growth Officer and Managing Principal at Schellman

            Secure Enterprise Collaboration Tools Are Critical in Light of Remote Work and Cyber-Attacks.

             ............................................................................................................................................. 160
            By Allen Drennan, Principal and Co-Founder of Cordoniq

            Stopping Criminals from Profiting Off Malware Requires a New Approach ......................... 164

            By CW Walker, Director, Security Product Strategy at SpyCloud

            The Data Dilemma: Balancing Business Growth and Security ............................................. 168

            By Noah Johnson, Co-Founder & CTO of Dasera

            The Growing Necessity of Emphasizing Cloud Security in Business Operations ................. 170

            By Deepak Gupta,CTO & Co-Founder of LoginRadius

            Third-Party Cyber Security Risk Management: Best Practices ............................................ 174

            By Sananda Dasgupta, Tech Industry and Cybersecurity Writer at Coloco

            Why It Will Take Sophisticated AI Solutions to Fight AI Security Attacks ............................ 178

            By Rom Hendler, CEO and Co-Founder of Trustifi

            1020 Cyber Security Professionals’ Actions and Experiences When Applying for A New Role.
             ............................................................................................................................................. 182

            By Torquil Macleod, Founder and Director of Via Resource

            Closing The Cyber Marketing Gap with Investors ................................................................ 187

            By Patrick Kehoe, Chief Marketing Officer at Coalfire

            Cyber Risk Quantification: A New Way to Understand Security Risks .................................. 191

            By Bruno Farinelli, Senior Director of Operations and Analytics at ClearSale

            Evolution of the CISO Role ................................................................................................... 194

            By Jaye Tillson, Director of Strategy at Axis Security

            Preparing  Travel  and  Hospitality  Companies  for  Cybersecurity  in  The  Wake  Of  Travel
            Technologies ....................................................................................................................... 197
            By Shambhu Nath Jha, Associate Vice President of Fact.MR

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