Page 168 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 168

The  Data  Dilemma:  Balancing  Business

             Growth and Security

             By Noah Johnson, Co-Founder & CTO of Dasera

            In today's digital age, data is the lifeblood of business growth. With large amounts of data sprawled across
            multiple platforms, companies must catalog and organize their data to derive actionable insights. But with
            data's value comes risk, and companies must ensure the data they collect and use is secure.

            To start, companies must inventory their data and catalog it, both structured and unstructured data,
            whether in databases, cloud storage, or on-premises systems. This step is crucial to identify all data
            sources, including shadow data lurking on unsecured devices.

            Once the data has been identified, it must be classified based on sensitivity so that data such as PII, PHI,
            and financial data can be secured accordingly. Companies should work with data owners and stewards
            to classify the data and determine who should have access.

            Access control must be implemented to limit who has access to sensitive data, both internal and external,
            to  the  organization.  This  includes  limiting  access  to  those  who  need  it  for  their  job  functions  and
            implementing multi-factor authentication to ensure only authorized users can access the data.

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