Page 156 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 156

Considering All Returns on a Cybersecurity

             Compliance Program

             By Doug Barbin, Chief Growth Officer and Managing Principal at Schellman

            C-Suite executives have many variables to consider when they are implementing changes or making
            investments at an enterprise level. They are reckoning with a fragile economy, downsized teams and
            heightened inflation rates—putting budgeting and cost concerns top of mind, and rightfully so. However,
            too  often,  business  leaders get  caught  up  in  the everyday consumer  mindset  of  bargain-hunting  for
            products  or  services  that  require  exceptional  accuracy  and  efficiency.  This  is  none  truer  than  for
            organizations shopping for a cybersecurity compliance assessment.

            The cybersecurity industry itself is facing challenges as well. The adoption of data privacy regulations –
            from CMMC to GDPR and CCPA, expanding security threats and additional digital footprint complexities
            have further complicated and increased costs for trusted and secure cybersecurity operations. To further

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