Page 14 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 14

Hardware-based security is also set apart by the fact that it is an extremely niche and specialised area,
            far more than software development. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics states that there are around 4.3
            million software engineers in the US, compared to only 73,600 hardware engineers. This means that it
            takes a lot more than a casual hacker to launch an attack against your hardware.

            While this is an important step in reducing your attack surface and defending against less sophisticated
            hackers, it unfortunately does not mean that you are safe yet – as the multiple incidents of data breaches
            in the past year alone have shown. Without an intelligent and fast-acting perimeter defense for hardware
            storage, hackers will still walk freely into your data vault, wreak havoc, and profit off your misfortune.

            Control and sentry your perimeter

            So how can organisations create an impenetrable perimeter that keeps would-be intruders out?

            To protect data stored at the hardware level, you must create a controlled enclave environment, with
            limited access points, and continuous monitoring of actions made directly to the device. This is what we
            set out to do with the X-PHY Cybersecure SSD.

            Through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the X-PHY steps in to
            detect  potential  intrusions  intuitively  and  continuously.  Unlike  the  multitude  of  behavioural  access
            patterns that AI-embedded software-based defenses must deal with, at the hardware level this can be
            simplified to just the read and write patterns.
            This translates to far greater accuracy, response times, and success rates in detecting threats. Trimming
            the threat identification algorithms down to read and write patterns will also greatly eliminate the possibility
            of false positives, thereby removing the need for human intervention.

            Joining forces to thwart cybercriminals.

            The end-goal is to be able to continue benefiting from the countless digital applications that have elevated
            modern business operations, while protecting ourselves better from cybercrime.

            Embracing the idea of a necessary alliance between the private and public sectors, and hardware and
            software-based defenses is vital and represents the next generation of cybersecurity defenses. To make
            that transition, a mindset shift across the industry is the first step. We cannot let the sheer volume of
            cyber incidents become a mere statistic for us as business leaders, it must serve as a wake-up call that
            jolts us into action.

            Encouraging  steps  have  been  taken  globally,  from  the  multi-national  taskforce  set  up  by  the  White
            House’s Counter Ransomware Initiative that encourages open discourse and smoother collaboration
            between the public and private sectors, to traditional B2B and B2C operators embracing the need for
            physical layer protection. As with introducing any new technological concept, a period of education and
            sandboxing is to be expected. We are heartened to have met with many like-minded corporations that
            are aware of the current state of cybersecurity and are looking beyond existing frameworks to strengthen

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