Page 86 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 86

education,  therefore  this  part  of  the  introduction  is

             8     Are  there  any  legal  or  other  legislative  obligation,  No    Yes            2
                   which can limit the using of cloud services? If yes, the
                   organization  have  take  into  account  the  legislative

             9     Is  the  data  migration  relatively  easy  and  securely  Yes     No             1,8
                   feasible? If it’s not, you have the possibility to establish
                   a  full  back  plan,  or  other  plans  if  some  confusion

             10    Is  the  cloud  solution  compatible  with  organizational  Yes    No             1,9
                   architecture elements? If it’s not, to handle this will be
                   more expensive.

             11    Is  it  possible  to  establish  an  Exit  strategy  or  not (in  Yes   No        1,9
                   case of unique cloud solution)? The establishment of
                   a  good  Exit strategy  is very  complicated.  There  are
                   many  possible  scenario  which  the  organization  can
                   not anticipate.

             12    Could  the  service  implementation  costs  be  cheaper  Yes       No             2
                   than the operational costs of the on premise solution?
                   The exact amounts are required to answer properly.

             13    Do you need to further develop the cloud service or it  Compact    Developing     1,8
                   is available as a compact service?                    Yes          No

             14    Can the cloud service’s technical implementation be  No            Yes            1,7
                   considered risky (interfaces, encription etc.)? With the
                   help  of  a  qualified  risk  management  team,  the  risk
                   mitigation process will cover all difficulties.

             15    Does  the  cloud  provider  and  service  have  relevant  Yes      No             1,7
                   certificates?  Without  certification,  you  have  to  make
                   sure that it complies with your information security and
                   data protection standards by conducting audit.

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