Page 3 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
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            Welcome to CDM's RSA Conference 2022 Special Edition ...................................................... 9

            How Passwordless Can Help Us Win the Ransomware War .................................................. 14
            By Hemen Vimadalal is CEO and founder of 1Kosmos

            Security For Want of a Nail ................................................................................................... 18
            By Gregory Hoffer, CEO, Coviant Software

            Alert Fatigue Puts Your Organization at Risk; Here’s What to Do About It ............................. 24
            By Derek Nugent Vice President Sales, Marketing & Customer Success at Difenda

            How to Protect All Five Stages of the IoT Security Lifecycle ................................................. 31
            By Mitchell Bezzina, Senior Director, Product Marketing, Cloud-delivered Security Services, Palo Alto Networks

            More Than A “You’ve Been Breached Mentality” - Zero Trust, Quantum Computers, And the

            Future of Cyber .................................................................................................................... 35
            By Dr. Torsten Saab, Principal Engineering Fellow, Raytheon

            It’s time for Internet Providers to Become Primary Security Providers ................................. 38
            By Barry Spielman, Director of Product Marketing, Allot

            “Know your enemy,” and other cybersecurity lessons from Sun Tzu’s Art of War ................. 41
            By Shmulik Yehezkel (Colonel, res), Chief Critical Cyber Operations Officer at CYE Security

            Why Zero Trust is Easier Said Than Done ............................................................................. 45
            By John Vecchi, CMO, Anitian

            Why Are Cyber Insurance Premiums Going Up, And How Can You Get a Better Deal? ........... 48
            By Jamie Wilson, MD & Founder, Cryptoloc Technology Group

            AI/ML Powered Risk Modeling: A Decision-Making Framework ........................................... 53
            By AJ Sarkar, Founder and CEO of

            Feeling Beleaguered? 3 Practical Steps for Cybersecurity Mastery ...................................... 56
            By Tim Liu, Co-Founder & CTO, Hillstone Networks

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