Page 21 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 21

Secure MFT is not a remedy to all of an organization’s security and data management issues, but it can
            play an important role in maintaining a strong data security and data management program. It can also
            help mitigate the risks of relying on human intervention, which often leads to mistakes and oversights
            that can result in a costly data breach or a finding of non-compliance.

            Reasonable Refresh

            The good news is, these are not tools or processes that are beyond the reach of organizations operating
            on  smaller  or  constrained  budgets,  or that  are  understaffed.  Nor  do  they  require  a “forklift  upgrade”
            technology refresh to achieve. In fact, a simple tech refresh may be all that is needed to address a specific
            need  and  achieve  gains  in  productivity  and  security.  A  recent  column  in  the  tech  trade  journal
            Computerworld identified five reasons for a simple tech refresh, including:

               •  Lack of Vendor Support for Older Systems;
               •  Support Employee Remote Access;
               •  Security Vulnerability Mitigation;
               •  Enable Regulatory Compliance; and,
               •  Improve Ease-of-Use.

            Making changes necessary to address common-sense issues, like fixing or updating hardware, software,
            or applications to keep pace with change is a necessary aspect of managing any organization’s IT estate
            and to keeping data and systems secure. In fact, those changes are to be expected, and may only be a
            minor nuisance. If you are responsible for managing your organization’s IT, it is not a good idea to put off
            updates, additions, or replacements of technologies.

            For Want of a Nail

            There’s an old poem called For Want of a Nail that describes the catastrophic potential when a seemingly
            simple detail is overlooked.

            For want of a nail the shoe was lost.

            For want of a shoe the horse was lost.

            For want of a horse the rider was lost.
            For want of a rider the message was lost.

            For want of a message the battle was lost.

            For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.

            And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

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