Page 74 - Cyber Defense Magazine RSA Edition for 2021
P. 74
Advancing your cyber security capabilities as you scale is an obvious need. But if
The Skills to Propel Your Team’s
Cyber Security Defense
By Andrew Loschmann, Chief Operating Officer, Field Effect
Advancing your cyber security capabilities as you scale is an obvious need. But if you’re resourced like
many infosec departments, either very lean or running solo, it’s always easier said than done. And as the
pandemic throws more on your plate — there are often big expectations to meet, yet skilled talent and
budget may be lacking.
If you’re feeling like you’re wearing multiple hats, rushing from one emergency to the next, or lacking the
skills you need to move your department forward, you’re not alone. Last year tested even the most
experienced professionals. IT and security teams were presented new situations that took instant