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7. Deploy and Manage a Breach Prevention Solution

You have a firewall. Check. You have anti-virus. Check. Ok, so now you are about 5%
protected. Now is the time to deploy a breach prevention solution because over 95% of
breaches happen behind the corporate firewall on systems running the latest antivirus software.
Can you tell if a system has a critical vulnerability that is easily exploitable? Do you know if the
Cleaning Company is plugging in a rogue device on your network this evening? What about an
employee who forgot about your spear-phishing policy and just clicked a link leading to an
installation of Locky Ransomware that will probe your corporate network to attempt to encrypt
not only the employee desktop but all of your fileservers? How do you get one step ahead of
these threats? With a breach prevention solution.

Steps involved:

1) Find a breach prevention solution that you can afford and that you like. There are
many new ones on the marketplace today. Some are called internal intrusion
prevention devices, others are called anti-malware gateways and anti-phishing email
systems but these are all point solutions. You’ll need to focus on those that help you
do the following three things:
d) Document and mitigate RISK, especially serious vulnerabilities (CVEs)

e) Provide Network Access Control (NAC)

f) Quarantine high-risk, rogue and infected devices
2) Selfish-plug: While we at SnoopWall make NetSHIELD as affordable, cost effective
and easy to deploy breach prevention solutions, you could also look into Forescout,
Fireeye, IBM and/or a mix of point solutions like Qualys, Rapid7, better managed
switches, Cisco’s 802.1x NAC solution, etc. Ultimately, it’s up to you to find the best
tools you can work with to help you find and fix your vulnerabilities, manage access
to your network and quarantine rogue and/or infected devices.

43 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – August 2016 Edition
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