Page 98 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 98

vulnerabilities in the targeted networks to have a further Almost every smart object that we use has a hidden operating
advantage of their victims. system, has a computational capability more or less complex
depending on its usage, it is always online and it is able to execute
The increasing of state-sponsored attacks will have a serious a multitude of applications, due these reasons it�s necessary
political and economical repercussion on a global scale, hackers design these devices having in mind an efficient model of
will be principally interested to steal sensitive information by security.
foreign government organizations and intellectual property by
private industries. Cybercriminals and state-sponsored hackers will look with a
greater interest the industry, it is expected that malware authors
Recent revelations speculate on the fact the most advanced cyber will increase their effort in the design of powerful malicious code
power are working to the definition of a new generation of cyber to automatically infect millions of devices. Next year security
weapons, a silent menace that could stealthy hit any firms will detect a growing number of malware specialized for
infrastructure making impossible the attribution of the attack. the infection of devices belonging to the�Internet of Things �,
these new generation of malicious code will be very insidious
Sabotage is the other soul of state-sponsored hacking, the cyber considering also the majority of these objects are unprotected.
tools are used to support military operations to probe defensive
enemy�s infrastructures or to damage its critical infrastructures. It is also possible that on the underground black market a
specifically designed exploit kit will be sold to target Internet of
The lack of a shared law framework that regulate the use of cyber Thing or cybercrocks could start to rent network of
weapons and that establish the legal and political responsibility compromised devices belonging to this category implementing
of the attacker, is an incentive to operate borderline, the model of sale known as malware-as-a-service. The attacks
governments will continue the developments of new against Internet of Things could be responsible for large scale
sophisticated cyber tools to offend foreign governments moving offensive.
the attack from the cyberspace.
Tor Network, cybercrime and law enforcement

In the next months the number Tor network users will be
stabilized, the popular network will be mainly used by
cybercriminals and whistleblowers. The cybercrime will use the
popular anonymizing network mainly to try to strengthen their
malicious botnet hiding command and controls within Tor
network, no meaningful changes will be observed in the activities
of commercialization of odds like drugs and weapons, the
volume of sale will remain constant.

The real novelty will be the creation of a growing number of
Internet of thing malware explosion services for social purposes primarily for the reporting of illegal
or abuses.
Internet of things is a crucial part of our daily life, a huge quantity
of devices that surround us have computational capabilities that On the other side law enforcement to fight cybercrime will
could be targeted by hackers for various purposed. increase the activities of infiltration of the anonymizing
networks, in the case of Tor network the authorities will sustain
According a study proposed by Harbor Research the number of the creation of new hidden services with a primary purpose to
smart connected devices will reach 13,5 Billion in 2016, an track Tor users and to create �honeypots � to monitor illegal
impressive figure that have to remind us the importance to activities.
consider their security an essential requirement.

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