Page 67 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 67

Phisnix Diagnostic Solutions

Phishnix is a Phishing Diagnostic Solution that runs simulated Phishnix Value Proposition
phishing attacks on employees to assess how they respond to •Quantification: Measure employee vulnerability to determine
such an attack. Phishnix also provides awareness training as part potential risks associated with phishing
of the solution, to educate employees so they understand the •Education: Increases employee awareness and knowledge to
risks of phishing and how to respond to a phishing attack. help guard sensitive information. Strengthens an organization's
anti-phishing strategy
How Phishnix works •Customization: Tailored phishing simulation scenarios enable
Phishnix assists organizations in evaluating the readiness of understanding user susceptibility to specific types of threats
employees against phishing and social engineering attacks. •Flexibility: Choice of deployment methods to meet your
Using Phishnix, you can either simulate a simple phishing attack organization's unique needs easily
or a more targeted spear phishing attack. An instant behavioural •Scalability: Effortlessly handles organizations of all sizes
analysis is provided that leverages a "teaching moment". A
prioritized action plan is created to reduce possible threats due About Phishnix
to such attacks in the future. Phishnix is a Phishing Diagnostic Solution that runs simulated
phishing attacks on employees to assess how they respond to
Deploying Phishnix On-Premise is a simple process. As soon as such an attack. Phishnix also provides awareness training as part
we hear from you, you will be connected with one of our trusted of the solution, to educate employees so they understand the
site engineers. They will work with you to develop a phishing risks of phishing and how to respond to a phishing attack.
attack scenario that is suitable for your organization. Once the Phishnix is powered by Aujas, a Global Information Risk
scenario has been finalized our consultant will go to your Management (IRM) services company. We help clients manage
organization to install an automated appliance within the risk and enhance information value through excellence and
corporate network. A simulated phishing attack is then innovation.
launched at the predefined target audience. The organization
can either opt for a simple phishing attack or the more �Best Product in Vulnerability Management for 2014� -
sophisticated targeted spear phishing attack or both, depending CDM
on their preference.

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