Page 8 - Cyber Defense Magazine - Global Print Edition 2018
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What 5G promises is a scaled-up “things”, devices, sensors, actuators, you will systematically end up with
infrastructure that in itself will drive vehicles, factories each with its own fewer trees to burn in the long run. In
change in many other areas, just as unique use case, environment and our field of information security, it’s so
the advent of 3G drove the advance of vulnerabilities. IT solutions are tied much better to be a brick layer than a
the smartphone, and 4G the streaming directly to business requirements, firefighter. Measure twice, even three
services that are steadily replacing stripped to the essentials required for times if you have to, and then lay the
conventional media. Except this time the job, no more “IT for IT’s sake”. bricks once.
5G with its really low latency and high Of course, an inevitable outcome of this
bandwidth has caught the attention is a continued exponential growth in
of industry and not just the consumer. data generation. Consider that 90% of all About the Author
We will be connecting not only the the data ever generated by the human
traditional “fixed internet”, today’s race has been generated in the last two
“mobile internet” but also every sensor years and extrapolate from there… Rik Ferguson
and actuator, every vehicle, traffic Vice President
management system, smart city, smart Our future business will rely on the scale Security Research
home and factory on the planet. 5G will and speed of Artificial Intelligence and at Trend Micro,
be the foundation of a truly immersive Machine Learning to cope with these
is one of the
leading experts
in information
security. He is
also a Special
Advisor to
E ur opol ’ s
European Cyber
Crime Centre (EC3),. In April 2011 Rik was
inducted into the Infosecurity Hall of Fame.
As a presenter at global industry events
such as RSA, Mobile World Congress, Milken
Institute, Virus Bulletin, RUSI and the e-Crime
interconnected experience. mountains of data and the Security Congress, Rik addresses the challenges
Operations Centre will be no exception.
From a security perspective, therein lies posed by emerging technology and online
the real challenge. Integration of Machine Learning into the crime. He is frequently interviewed by the
SOC of the future is critical for a number
A greater volume of traffic, a greater of reasons, not only related to the BBC, CNN, CNBC, Channel 4, Sky News and
number of endpoints (many with no volumes of data, but also to address the Al-Jazeera English and is quoted by national
user interface at all) and an ongoing so-called “cyber skills gap” (a concept I’d newspapers and trade publications around
explosion of data means not only that we love to dissect in a future article maybe). the world.
have more to secure, but more to secure We need to leverage the power of
it from. This is already driving a huge machine learning to collect and correlate
shift in the way we do business, driving data from across the enterprise, carry Rik is actively engaged in research into
adoption of IPv6 (to accommodate all out triage of generated events, forensic online threats and the underground
these new devices), Software Defined investigation and evidence capture, economy. He also researches the wider
Networks, big data and cloud services and yes even mitigation; surfacing only implications of new developments in the
to store and process the volume of data, those urgent or high-priority event to Information Technology arena and their
and Artificial Intelligence and Network
Function Virtualisation to provide scale impact on security, both in the enterprise
and speed of response and an ability and for society as a whole, publishing
to integrate security functions at carrier papers, articles, videos and participating in
level, rather than relying on an ability to thought-leadership initiatives. With twenty-
enforce at every endpoint in this new five years’ experience in information security,
interconnected world.
Rik has been with Trend Micro since 2007.
One vision of the enterprise of the Prior to assuming his current role, he served
future looks like this. Your organisation as Security & Privacy Infrastructure Specialist
ignores the network infrastructure from
a security perspective, all infrastructure at EDS where he led the security design work
is considered as hostile and a zero-trust for government projects related to justice
model is applied. You have multiple and law enforcement and as Senior Product
thousands of end-users spread across the humans who remain at the top of Engineer at McAfee focused on network
the globe and every user has multiple the security tree. security, intrusion prevention, encryption
profiles that need to be automagically and content filtering. Learn more about Rik
applied in the correct circumstances Firefighting as means of maintaining
(where are they, what are they using, a secure enterprise is not a workable and the latest security technologies from his
what task are they working on, what model for the future, or even the team at
time of day is it?). On top of that you present. No one can deny, that even if
have hundreds of millions of connected your firefighting is of the highest calibre,