Businesses Must Protect Their Most Critical Asset: Their Data
By Trevor J. Morgan, Ph.D., Product Manager at comforte AG Protecting sensitive data is a challenge facing every business and enterprise. The value of data is rising to the extent…
3 Email Hacking Techniques to Watch In 2021
By Adrien Gendre, Chief Product & Services Officer, Vade Secure Ransomware hobbled businesses in 2020, while COVID-19 spawned an endless stream of cyberattacks. What both have in common is email….
Making the Journey to the Intelligent SOC
AI, Machine Learning, and Open-XDR Make it Easier By Albert Zhichun Li, Chief Scientist, Stellar Cyber Most enterprises and service providers are building security operations centers (SOCs) where a team…
Nations—Not Individuals—Are After Your IP
By Ryan Benner, Anexinet A recent Wall Street Journal article titled, Russian Hackers Have Targeted 200 Groups Tied to U.S. Election, has Microsoft stating that “Russian government hackers have targeted…
How Blockchain Is Helping Stop the Spread of COVID-19
By Robert Galarza, CEO, TruTrace Technologies By now, we all know the cost of COVID-19. Many countries have struggled to contain the virus, forcing people to practice social distancing, wear…
Unlocking the Promise of Packet Capture
By Kathryn Ash, President, IPCopper, Inc. It turns out that IT people do get plenty of exercises. From the job description, it sounds like a desk job, but that promise…
The Serverless Security Machine
By Art Sturdevant, Director of Operations, Censys Servers are BS. They require constant maintenance, monitoring, and tweaking. As a security practitioner, regardless of where your team lands on the org…
The One-Stop Spear Phishing Defense Guide You Will Ever Need
By Jeff Penner, Senior Manager at ActiveCo Technology Management. Is your business ready to combat spear phishing attacks? It’s a question that gives many seasoned CTOs bad jitters. The truth…
How to Adapt Financial Services to The Online Space Securely – And Still Sleep at Night
Financial institutions, like eCommerce industries, are leading today’s fast, pandemic-driven transition to the digital space. A change that will become a norm. By Robert Capps, VP of Marketplace, NuData, a…
Emerging Technologies Create A New Line of Defense in The Fight Against Fraud
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE POWERS VOICE BIOMETRICS FOR A MORE SECURE, FRICTIONLESS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE By Brett Beranek, Vice President and General Manager, Security, and Biometrics, Nuance Communications A growing number of organizations…
Zero Trust Model Is Meaningless Without TLS Inspection
Protecting users against modern, invisible cyber threats By Babur Khan, Technical Marketing Engineer at A10 Networks A security strategy is only as strong as its weakest point. No matter how…
No Meows Is Good News: Proactive Nosql Database Security in The Era of Meow Attacks
By Jack Harper, Director of Professional Services at Couchbase This summer, a spate of cyberattacks in which cybercriminals targeted internet-connected ElasticSearch and other unsecured databases continued to fuel concerns about…