Cyber Security Risks on Social Media
By Simon Parker at Minerva Security As technology advances, social media has gained popularity over time. It has provided a platform where people can freely express their feelings and get…
The Human in the Middle
Behavioral Design for Cybersecurity By Alex Blau, Vice President, ideas42 In this ever-maturing digital era, using technology to solve our everyday problems feels like an obvious thing to do. Yet,…
How Insider Threats are Realized By Daniel Jetton, VP Cyber Services, OBXtek, Inc. While technical security problems can be dealt with through technical solutions, people must be approached in a…
Look into my Crystal Ball; let’s see what 2020 has in store
By Jonathan Stock, Cyber Security Recruitment Consultant, IntaPeople. The Christmas hangovers are starting to clear, every advert on TV seems to tell me that I need to begin the 2020diet…
The challenges of an Internet of Things analytics
By Milica D. Djekic Through a history – we would notice the importance of good analytics in many areas of human activities. For instance, many military strategists would deal with…
Addressing the government data security problem
By Marcelo Delima, Global Product Marketing Manager at HPE Security – Data Security Throughout federal, state, and local governments, the digital revolution is driving exponential growth of high-value data. Personally…
10 cyber security measures growing companies should implement
Tips to keep your business safe as it expands By Asher de Metz, Lead Senior Consultant (Information Security), Sungard Availability Services (Sungard AS) This may surprise you, but growing companies…
Best Practices to keep your Home WiFi Secured
by Lisa Barrie, Sub-editor at List Enthusiast Wi-Fi internet or traditional wired internet? Ask any person and he/she’ll go for the former. The ease-of-use, easier installation, and maintenance mean Wi-Fi…
Multi-factor Authentication Implementation Options
“2FA to 5FA – What are the options available?” By David Smith Independent Consultant at Smart Card Institute At some point of time, we have all used an OTP (One-time…
How Real-Time Asset Intelligence Enables Full Posture Control
By Ellen Sundra, VP of Americas Systems Engineering, Forescout Technologies The massive growth of devices hitting our networks is not a secret or a new discussion. We have all seen…
The Dangers of the Integrated Home/Workplace
Personal data breaches are one of the fastest-growing cybercrimes in the US. As IoT devices become increasingly common at home and in the workplace, measures must be taken to secure…
Stop! Vulnerable Software
Know your vulnerabilities By Joe Guerra, M.Ed, CySA+, C|EH, Cybersecurity Instructor, Hallmark University Software is omnipresent, even in areas you wouldn’t envision Software so effortlessly meshes into the cloth of…